Career Advice
Archive for Career Advice
Are you Facebook professional?
For the duration of the hiring process, we can anticipate a single certainty. The varying HR personnel of the companies to which you’ve applied will scrutinize your social media. TRUST US!
Don't Listen To Reviews
When a candidate tells you they are no longer interested in having a phone interview with a company due to the ratings on a review website...
Expect The Best, Prepare For The Worst
Be prepared for the worst...losing your job. Regardless if you are currently employed, update your resume regularly (at least every 6 months) and document your achievements so you can capture all that you’ve done in your job. Also, be sure to maintain the great network...
First Interview: 5 cramming hacks to do the night before.
Most certainly, someone in your life has wished you luck. Our interpretation of luck is two-fold. One, luck is nothing more than an ambiguous state-of-perception. Two, we can generate our own “luck” by following a simple system...
Perseverance in the Weight of Rejection and Hatred
Persevere is the mantra of some of the biggest names today. They listen to their calling, their passion, their drive, and purse it with unequalled perseverance. Take a look at J.K. Rowling...
Relationship Advice For A Sales Person
Successful personal relationships are tough to maintain. Usually people have different personalities, backgrounds, needs, and problems that need to be solved. People have good days and bad days. Highs and lows. It's how we tackle these issues that leads to a successful relationship versus a break-up....
Success Is Paved With Hard Work
Do you want to be successful? Yeah? Well, you better be prepared to work hard...
The 5 Worst Pieces of Advice You Are Getting About Your Career
The first: Apply to as many jobs as possible...
The Other Little Black Book
There you are. Interviewing for the sales job of your dreams. It’s going great! You're telling the manager all about your performance...
Your Fate is in the Follow Up
Congrats! You just finished an amazing sales interview for your dream job. What’s next? Follow-up!
Your LinkedIn Connections Are Worthless
If you have a million connections, but they aren't liking, commenting, or sharing your posts (ENGAGING WITH YOU)...