Archive for Sales
Become a Variety Pack - The one HUGE reason to use a (great) recruitment firm
Imagine this: You’re throwing a party and want to provide snacks & drinks. You head to the local grocery store and start walking down...
First Interview: 5 cramming hacks to do the night before.
Most certainly, someone in your life has wished you luck. Our interpretation of luck is two-fold. One, luck is nothing more than an ambiguous state-of-perception. Two, we can generate our own “luck” by following a simple system...
Good Things Take Time
When it comes to hiring sales people, be patient. The odds of finding the right person immediately or after your first crack at it, is very slim.
How To Achieve Guaranteed Results When Using A Recruitment Firm To Hire
Have you ever partnered with a recruiting agency for your hiring needs? How was your experience? Judging by what I see on LinkedIn and other social networks...
How To Create Good Videos For Linkedin
Most people on LinkedIn have built their personal brand by sharing thoughts through written posts or sharing things they like. This is a brand built over a canvas that hides a visual dimension of yourself from the public...
Mutate For Success - Why So Many Businesses Fail
“Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” – Leonardo Di Vinci_
Relationship Advice For A Sales Person
Successful personal relationships are tough to maintain. Usually people have different personalities, backgrounds, needs, and problems that need to be solved. People have good days and bad days. Highs and lows. It's how we tackle these issues that leads to a successful relationship versus a break-up....
Use Storytelling To Close More Sales
The stories we tell literally make the world. If you want to change the world, you need to change your story...